Monday, October 10, 2011

You're NOT Special

But it's cute that you think you are.

Allow me to give you some background information.

Last Monday, as I was walking my lab-collie mix puppy at the nearby park, part of our daily routine we had an encounter with a fellow dog owner (unseen at the time) who had two gorgeous dogs and three children, the ages of which were roughly 10, 7, and 3.  It was around 11 in the morning and McGee (my dog) and I were ready to do a round of rigorous tree marking when said gorgeous dogs, both unleashed, ran up to check us out.  After two sniffs, they proceeded to snarl and attack both McGee and I.  McGee, valiant and protective, body slammed the one who tried to pounce on me in mid-air and continued to protect me throughout the event.  The three kids naturally ran up to us screaming and trying to grab at the dogs without realizing the danger of getting between three angry dogs so I had to push them out of the way with one arm while holding McGee back on the leash with the other.

Where's mom?

Mom is taking a jog around the park, leaving her three kids and two dogs unleashed and unprotected for ME, the stranger, to deal with.  She arrived about 5 minutes later and chided me for getting involved with her kids and her dogs.  

What said woman failed to admit was that there were at least four signs for the city-block-sized park stating that dogs were required to be leashed at all times.  Now, just because you think you are the only one at that park doesn't mean that you are so wonderful that it belongs to you and your dogs, to run and poop on the play equipment as they choose, forcing anyone else who arrives at that park has to restrain themselves and their own dogs in order to be able to visit the park without being hassled by giant free-running beasts who are drooling buckets at the thought of eating your face off.

This is just one example of giant signs stating simple and reasonable (usually) rules that are supposed to ensure everyone in a public place can try to enjoy the fact that we are grossly overpopulated, and although every square foot of that public pool is teaming with screaming children with goggles staring at your bare-naked legs underwater and that to either side of your car at that hot make-out point that you mistakenly visited for your first date is occupied by some ancient and barely-running vehicle with a cracked and steam-covered windshield that is rocking violently it would be great if we could enjoy the small area of that personal bubble, because you are not SO SPECIAL that yours is bigger than mine.

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